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Types of Sources.
Renewable Resources -  A organic natural resource, a better way of appraoching energy with the earth
Non-Renewable Resources - Non-renewable
energy are sources that can not be replaced, for
example coal, oil, nuclear energy, and natural

Natural Resources

Dangers of not using natural resources, in a sustainable manner
  • More than 150 years ago, wood supplied up to 90 percent of the nation’s energy needs.

  • More than half of renewable energy sources are devoted to producing electricity.

  • In 2009, consumption of renewable sources in the United States totaled about 8 percent of all energy used nationally.

  • Fossil fuels formed in similar ways hundred,hundred of millions of years ago, before the dinosaurs. Then the earth was mostly shallow seas and swampy forests

  • Fossil fuels are a valuable source of energy. They are relatively cheaply to extract. They can also be stored, piped, or shipped anywhere in the world.

  • About half the electricity in the United States comes from coal.

  • When coal is burned, it releases many toxic gases and pollutants into the atmosphere.



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